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Iphone Tips That Can Save You A Lot Of Time

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Total visits: 182
Posted on: 08/08/22

An iPhone happens to be a wonderful technological tool that offers so many possibilities. Its a phone, a calendar, a camera and is capable of a vast array of possible uses. Given all that the iPhone does, it can perform even better than it does now. This article discusses some useful tips for getting the most out of using your iPhone.

The iPhone is exceptionally helpful when it comes to location, yours and those places youd like to get to. The iPhone comes with a built-in map application that shows you where you are at all times. This application is great for finding your way back home, or to a new destination you havent visited yet.

If you use Safari to browse through the Internet on your iPhone, try this trick for typing in a new URL. Instead of actually typing out ".com," you can hold down the ".com" button. As you hold the button down, it will scroll through the most popular website extensions, including .org, .net and .edu.

Your iPhone makes a great storage device. Use it to store pictures, videos and contacts. This can simplify your life and help you to get rid of numerous other gadgets, instead focusing on only one. The iPhone has a good amount of storage space, and additional apps also allow you to increase that space if necessary.

Utilize the contacts section of your iPhone to organize all of your friends and family. This is very important as you can alphabetize all of your contacts and also include a lot of information pertaining to each contact. Furthermore, on the contacts screen, you are able to click on a name and call or text, them immediately.

Use your iPhone as a workout tool. With an armband and one of the many great fitness apps available, you can use your iPhones GPS to track your runs, bike routes, walking paths and more. Many of these applications automatically sync your workout information with a website, allowing you to easily track your progress. They can also sync with your favorite social networks.

Would you like an easy way to take a picture of your phones current screen? Try this! Press the home and sleep buttons at the same time, and wait for the sound of a camera clicking. Then, head over to your saved photos. You should see an image of your screen in the folder.

When typing on your iPhone, tip it horizontally. The keyboard should be displayed horizontally and become bigger. When browsing the internet, use the Safari app: this is the only one that will rotate when you move your phone. This should help you avoid typos and type much faster than before.

Are you wanting to know how to disable your iphone 3G or Edge Connection? You have to get into the cellular data network by going into settings, then general, and then network. Type some generic words into the username and password fields, and this is just so iphone doesnt hand over the correct values to your service provider. If you need to restart your phone, then do that as well.


If you have been longing for a convenient, accurate and user-friendly way to track your workouts and your fitness progress, the iPhone has the answer you have been seeking. By downloading one of the many highly-rated exercise-focused applications, you can kick-start your weight loss program and keep yourself accountable along the way.

As we said earlier, iPhones have tons of features that make them much more that simply a phone. However, your iPhone can do even more for you than you might be aware of. Take the above tips and increase the efficiency and personalization of your iPhone.

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